Worship with us each Sunday, starting at 9:25 a.m.

We welcome you to join us not only on Sunday morning morning but throughout the week for our different activities. Our doors are open to all believers from every ethic, social and religious background. We welcome into our fellowship whoever wishes to come.

Sunday Morning Service

Worship begins each Sunday morning at 9:25 a.m. We have a mix of contemporary and traditional music accompanied by our praise band, choir, piano, and organ. We have a professionally staffed nursery for our little ones and a cry area behind the rear glass wall for parents and children. 

Children's Church

After the Children's Sermon with Pastor Lee, children ages 4-4th grade are invited to Children's Church where Bible stories and activities are planned to begin to teach them about the love of Jesus Christ.

Fellowship Time

Following worship, a time of fellowship (and food) is enjoyed in our social room. 

Sunday School

Sunday school begins at 11:00 a.m. and we have classes for all ages.